Actinium-228 is a radioisotope of the chemical element actinium discovered by Otto Hahn in 1906, which has 139 neutrons in the atomic nucleus in addition to element-specific 89 protons, resulting in the mass number 228 . The very short-lived, only artificially producible, unstable and therefore radioactive nuclide has hardly any practical significance; dealing with 212Ac is for academic purposes only. However, the core properties of the nuclide are well suited for γ-spectroscopy, so that the isotope is currently being researched more closely in this regard and methods for the production of 228Ac are also being developed [1].
See also: list of Actinium isotopes.
Half-life T½ = 6.15(2) h (hours) respectively 2.2140 × 104 seconds s.
Decay mode | Daughter | Probability | Decay energy | γ energy (intensity) |
β- | 228Th | 100 % | 2.1237(26) MeV |
The scheme shows the radioactive decay of the isotope actinium-228 and the position of the nuclide in the thorium series, which starts with Th-232 and ends with the stable nuclide Lead-208.
Direct parent isotope is: 228Ra.
Z | Isotone N = 139 | Isobar A = 228 |
83 | 222Bi | |
84 | 223Po | |
85 | 224At | 228At |
86 | 225Rn | 228Rn |
87 | 226Fr | 228Fr |
88 | 227Ra | 228Ra |
89 | 228Ac | 228Ac |
90 | 229Th | 228Th |
91 | 230Pa | 228Pa |
92 | 231U | 228U |
93 | 232Np | 228Np |
94 | 233Pu | 228Pu |
95 | 234Am | |
96 | 235Cm | |
97 | 236Bk | |
98 | 237Cf |
[1] - Kelly E. Aldrich, Mila Nhu Lam, Cecilia Eiroa-Lledo et al.:
Preparation of an Actinium-228 Generator.
In: Inorganic Chemistry, (2020), DOI 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b03563.
Last update: 2023-04-15
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