Barium-130 is part of the isotope mixture that makes up the earth´s barium deposits - albeit only at 0.1 percent. It is considered a primordial radioisotope that is very weakly radioactive due to the presence of the daughter nuclide Xenon-130 in rocks. The nuclide 130Ba is also referred to as quasi-stable due to its very long half-life - i.e. radioactive decay events (double electron capture, 2EE) occur very rarely.
See also: list of Barium isotopes.
Half-life T½ = 1.6 × 1021 a respectively 5.045760 × 1028 seconds s.
Decay mode | Daughter | Probability | Decay energy | γ energy (intensity) |
2 EC | 130Xe |
Direct parent isotopes are: 130La, 130Cs.
Atomic Mass ma | Quantity | Half-life | Spin | |
Barium Isotopic mixture | 137.327 u | 100 % | ||
Isotope 130Ba | 129.90632(2) u | 0.11(1) % | 1.6 × 1021 a | 0+ |
Isotope 132Ba | 131.9050611(11) u | 0.10(1) % | stable | 0+ |
Isotope 134Ba | 133.904508(2) u | 2.42(15) % | stable | 0+ |
Isotope 135Ba | 134.905688(2) u | 6.59(10) % | stable | 3/2+ |
Isotope 136Ba | 135.904576(2) u | 7.85(24) % | stable | 0+ |
Isotope 137Ba | 136.905827(2) u | 11.23(23) % | stable | 3/2+ |
Isotope 138Ba | 137.905247(2) u | 71.70(29) % | stable | 0+ |
Nuclear isomers or excited states with the activation energy in keV related to the ground state.
Nuclear Isomer | Excitation Energy | Half-life | Spin |
130mBa | 2475.12(18) keV | 9.4(4) ms | 8- |
Z | Isotone N = 74 | Isobar A = 130 |
41 | 115Nb | |
42 | 116Mo | |
43 | 117Tc | |
44 | 118Ru | |
45 | 119Rh | |
46 | 120Pd | |
47 | 121Ag | 130Ag |
48 | 122Cd | 130Cd |
49 | 123In | 130In |
50 | 124Sn | 130Sn |
51 | 125Sb | 130Sb |
52 | 126Te | 130Te |
53 | 127I | 130I |
54 | 128Xe | 130Xe |
55 | 129Cs | 130Cs |
56 | 130Ba | 130Ba |
57 | 131La | 130La |
58 | 132Ce | 130Ce |
59 | 133Pr | 130Pr |
60 | 134Nd | 130Nd |
61 | 135Pm | 130Pm |
62 | 136Sm | 130Sm |
63 | 137Eu | 130Eu |
64 | 138Gd | |
65 | 139Tb | |
66 | 140Dy | |
67 | 141Ho |
[1] - A. P. Meshik, C. M. Hohenberg, O. V. Pravdivtseva, Ya. S. Kapusta:
Weak decay of 130Ba and 132Ba: Geochemical measurements.
In: Physical Review C, (2001), DOI 10.1103/PhysRevC.64.035205.
[2] - Magali Pujol, Bernard Marty, Pete Burnard, Pascal Philippot:
Xenon in Archean barite: Weak decay of 130Ba, mass-dependent isotopic fractionation and implication for barite formation.
In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, (2009), DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2009.08.002.
Last update: 2023-05-05
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