Fluorine-29 is a radioisotope of the chemical element fluorine, which has 20 neutrons in its atomic nucleus in addition to the element-specific 9 protons; the sum of the number of these atomic nucleus building blocks results in a mass number of 29. The very short-lived, only artificially produced, unstable and thus radioactive nuclide has no practical significance; the study of 29F is exclusively for academic purposes and experimental research.
The discovery of the neutron-rich unstable isotope was first reported in 1989. Fluorine-29 was observed when a tantalum sample was irradiated with calcium-48 with an energy of 55 MeV/u.
See also: list of Fluorine isotopes.
Half-life T½ = 0.0025(3) s respectively 2.5 × 10-3 seconds s.
Decay mode | Daughter | Probability | Decay energy | γ energy (intensity) |
β- | 29Ne | 40(40) % | 21.750(550) MeV | |
β-, n | 28Ne | 60(40) % | 20.779(540) MeV | |
β-, 2n | 27Ne | ? |
Z | Isotone N = 20 | Isobar A = 29 |
8 | 28O | |
9 | 29F | 29F |
10 | 30Ne | 29Ne |
11 | 31Na | 29Na |
12 | 32Mg | 29Mg |
13 | 33Al | 29Al |
14 | 34Si | 29Si |
15 | 35P | 29P |
16 | 36S | 29S |
17 | 37Cl | 29Cl |
18 | 38Ar | |
19 | 39K | |
20 | 40Ca | |
21 | 41Sc | |
22 | 42Ti | |
23 | 43V | |
24 | 44Cr | |
25 | 45Mn | |
26 | 46Fe | |
27 | 47Co | |
28 | 48Ni |
[1] - D. Guillemaud-Mueller, Yu. E. Penionzhkevich, R. Anne et al.:
Observation of new neutron rich nuclei 29F, 35,36Mg, 38,39Al, 40,41Si, 43,44P, 45-47S, 46-49Cl, and 49-51Ar from the interactions of 55 MeV/u 48Ca+Ta.
In: Z. Physik A - Atomic Nuclei, 332, (1989), DOI 10.1007/BF01289774.
[2] - L. Fortunato, J. Casal, W. Horiuchi, Jagjit Singh, A. Vitturi:
The 29F nucleus as a lighthouse on the coast of the island of inversion.
In: Communications Physics, 3, 132, (2020), DOI 10.1038/s42005-020-00402-5.
[3] - Shu-Yuan Zhai, Xue-Neng Cao, Jian-You Guo:
Research on the deformed halo in 29F with a complex momentum representation method.
In: Journal of Physics G, 49, 065101, (2022), DOI 10.1088/1361-6471/ac5dfd.
Last update: 2024-10-21
Perma link: https://www.chemlin.org/isotope/fluorine-29
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