Properties and data of the isotope 197Au.
Gold-197 is the only stable and the only naturally occurring isotope of the monoisotopic element Gold. The atomic nucleus of the nuclide consists of 118 neutrons and the element-specific 79 positively charged protons; The sum of these nucleus building blocks results in the mass number 197.
See also: list of Gold isotopes.
General data
Name of the isotope:Gold-197; Au-197Symbol:197Au or 19779AuMass number A:197 (= number of nucleons)Atomic number Z:79 (= number of protons)Neutrons N:118Isotopic mass:196.966569(5) u (atomic weight of Gold-197)Nuclide mass:196.9232359 u (calculated nuclear mass without electrons)Mass excess:-31.14078 MeVMass defect:1.674068616 u (per nucleus)Nuclear binding energy:1559.38487139 MeV (per nucleus)
7.91565925 MeV (average binding energy per nucleon)Separation energy:SN = 8.0724(29) MeV (first neutron)
SP = 5.7842(5) MeV (first proton)Half-life:stableSpin and parity:
(nuclear angular momentum)3/2+Magnetic dipole moment:μ(μN) = +0.145746Charge radius:5.4371(38) femtometer fmYear of discovery:1935
Parent Nuclides
Direct parent isotopes are: 197Hg, 197Pt.
Comparison of the natural Gold isotopes including isotopic abundance (mole fraction of the isotope mixture in percent):
| Atomic Mass ma | Quantity | Half-life | Spin |
Gold Isotopic mixture | 196.966569 u | 100 % | | |
Isotope 197Au | 196.966569(5) u | 100 % | stable | 3/2+ |
NMR data
Nuclear magnetic properties of the NMR active Nuclide 197Au
Isotope:197Au-NMRQuantity:100 %Spin:3/2+Nuclearmagnetic moment
μ/μN:+0.145746Gyromagnetic ratio γ:0.4692 · 107 rad T-1 s-1Nuclear g-factor:gl = 0.097164Quadrupole moment Q:+ 0.547(16) barn (100 fm2)Resonance frequency:v0 = 0.7406 at 1 TFrequency ratio:Ξ(197Au) = 1.729 %Relative Sensitivity:0.00003 (H0 = const.)
0.0870 (v0 = const.)
[related to 1H = 1.000] The atomic nucleus of the nuclide has (not entirely optimal) nuclear magnetic properties and is suitable for 197Au NMR spectroscopy; In addition, terrestrial gold consists of 100% gold-197. Nevertheless, NMR spectroscopy of gold atoms is an extremely rarely used technique.
Nuclear Isomers
Nuclear isomers or excited states with the activation energy in keV related to the ground state.
Nuclear Isomer | Excitation Energy | Half-life | Spin |
197mAu | 409.15(8) keV | 7.73(6) s | 11/2- |
Isotones and Isobars
The following table shows the atomic nuclei that are isotonic (same neutron number N = 118) and isobaric (same nucleon number A = 197) with Gold-197. Naturally occurring isotopes are marked in green; light green = naturally occurring radionuclides.
Z | Isotone N = 118 | Isobar A = 197 |
72 | 190Hf | |
73 | 191Ta | |
74 | 192W | 197W |
75 | 193Re | 197Re |
76 | 194Os | 197Os |
77 | 195Ir | 197Ir |
78 | 196Pt | 197Pt |
79 | 197Au | 197Au |
80 | 198Hg | 197Hg |
81 | 199Tl | 197Tl |
82 | 200Pb | 197Pb |
83 | 201Bi | 197Bi |
84 | 202Po | 197Po |
85 | 203At | 197At |
86 | 204Rn | 197Rn |
87 | 205Fr | |
88 | 206Ra | |
89 | 207Ac | |
90 | 208Th | |
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Last update: 2023-12-05
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