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Properties and data of the isotope 198Au.



Gold-198 isotope

Gold-198 is the radioisotope of the chemical element Gold, which, in addition to the element-specific 79 protons, has 119 neutrons in the atomic nucleus, resulting in the mass number 198.

In medicine, 198Au can be used in the form of appropriate radiopharmaceuticals for radiation therapy, for example to treat some types of cancer. The half-life (2.7 days) and low tissue penetration depth (about 4 mm) allows the β-emitter to destroy the tumor tissue without affecting the surrounding healthy tissue. Injectable 198Au nanoparticles are also being investigated for similar applications. The European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur) lists Gold-198 under the Latin name Auri[198Au] colloidales solutio iniectabilis (injectable colloidal Au-198 solution).

Other applications: Au-198 can be used as a tracer for the study of sediments and water flows. In the coker units of oil refineries, the isotope is used to investigate the hydrodynamic behavior of solids in fluidized beds and to quantify the degree of contamination of the internals.

See also: list of Gold isotopes.


General data

Name of the isotope:Gold-198; Au-198Symbol:198Au or 19879AuMass number A:198 (= number of nucleons)Atomic number Z:79 (= number of protons)Neutrons N:119Isotopic mass:197.9682437(6) u (atomic weight of Gold-198)Nuclide mass:197.9249106 u (calculated nuclear mass without electrons)Mass excess:-29.5808 MeVMass defect:1.681058832 u (per nucleus)Nuclear binding energy:1565.89621566 MeV (per nucleus)
7.90856675 MeV (average binding energy per nucleon)
Separation energy:SN = 6.51236(9) MeV (first neutron)
SP = 6.4500(5) MeV (first proton)
Half-life:2.6941(2) dDecay constant λ:2.977817012002 × 10-6 s-1Specific activity α:9.102961168221 × 10+15 Bq g-1
246025.97751949 Ci g-1
Spin and parity:
(nuclear angular momentum)
2-Magnetic dipole moment:μ(μN) = + 0.5934(4)Quadrupole moment Q:+ 0.64(2) barn (100 fm2)Nuclear g-factor:gl = 0.2967Charge radius:5.4400(38) femtometer fmYear of discovery:1937


Radioactive Decay

Gold-198 decays radioactively with a half-life of 2.6941(2) days and the emission of beta radiation [0.31478(19) MeV; I = 98.990(9)%] and gamma radiation [0.41180205(17) MeV; I = 95.62(6)] and a total energy release of 1.3735(5) MeV to the stable isotope Mercury-198.

Half-life T½ = 2.6941(2) d respectively 2.3277024 × 105 seconds s.

Decay modeDaughterProbabilityDecay energyγ energy
β-198Hg100 %1.3735(5) MeV0.41180205(17) MeV
I = 95.62(6) %


Gold-198 decay scheme



Gold-198 is produced in nuclear reactors. The starting material is conventional, highly purified gold, which - as monoisotopic element - consists only of Au-197 exists. The gold target is placed in the neutron flux of the nuclear reactor, often embedded in a Pt capsule. The irradiation of Au-197 with thermal neutrons finally leads to the formation of gold-198 according to the following reaction scheme:

197Au + 1n → 198Au + γ.


Nuclear Isomers

Nuclear isomers or excited states with the activation energy in keV related to the ground state.

Nuclear IsomerExcitation EnergyHalf-lifeSpin
198m1Au312.2227(20) keV124(4) ns5+
198m2Au811.7(15) keV2.272(16) d(12-)


Isotones and Isobars

The following table shows the atomic nuclei that are isotonic (same neutron number N = 119) and isobaric (same nucleon number A = 198) with Gold-198. Naturally occurring isotopes are marked in green; light green = naturally occurring radionuclides.


OZIsotone N = 119Isobar A = 198


External data and identifiers

CAS:10043-49-9InChI Key:PCHJSUWPFVWCPO-OUBTZVSYSA-NSMILES:[198Au]PubChem:ID 66274Adopted Levels, Gammas:NuDat 198Au


Literature and References

[1] - Hisashi Kato:
Production of Gold-198 Grains.
In: Gold Bulletin, 11, 86-87, (1978), DOI 10.1007/BF03215093.


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Last update: 2023-10-22

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