Iron-55 is a radioisotope of the chemical element iron, which, in addition to the element-specific 26 protons, has 29 neutrons in the atomic nucleus, resulting in the mass number 55.
See also: list of Iron isotopes.
A more recent value for the half-life of iron-55 was published in 2019: 1006.70(15) days or 2.7563(4) years [2].
Half-life T½ = 2.744(9) a respectively 8.6534784 × 107 seconds s.
Decay mode | Daughter | Probability | Decay energy | γ energy (intensity) |
EE | 55Mn | 100 % | 0.2311(4) MeV |
Direct parent isotope is: 55Co.
55Fe can be artificially produced by neutron irradiation of stable iron isotopes: 54Fe(n,γ)55Fe or 56 sup>Fe(n,2n)55Fe. Accordingly, iron-containing components such as steel or reinforced concrete that are exposed to neutron radiation can accumulate with Fe-55.
Significant amounts of iron-55 were also released by atmospheric nuclear weapons tests in the 1950s [1].
Z | Isotone N = 29 | Isobar A = 55 |
13 | 42Al | |
14 | 43Si | |
15 | 44P | |
16 | 45S | |
17 | 46Cl | |
18 | 47Ar | |
19 | 48K | 55K |
20 | 49Ca | 55Ca |
21 | 50Sc | 55Sc |
22 | 51Ti | 55Ti |
23 | 52V | 55V |
24 | 53Cr | 55Cr |
25 | 54Mn | 55Mn |
26 | 55Fe | 55Fe |
27 | 56Co | 55Co |
28 | 57Ni | 55Ni |
29 | 58Cu | 55Cu |
30 | 59Zn | 55Zn |
31 | 60Ga | |
32 | 61Ge | |
33 | 62As | |
34 | 63Se |
[1] - Harvey E. Palmer, Thomas M. Beasley:
Iron-55 in Humans and Their Foods.
In: Science, 149, 3682, 431 - 432, (1965), DOI 10.1126/science.149.3682.431.
[2] - S. Pommé, H. Stroh, R. Van Ammel:
The 55Fe half-life measured with a pressurised proportional counter.
In: Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 148, 27-34, (2019), DOI 10.1016/j.apradiso.2019.01.008.
Last update: 2024-01-27
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