Promethium-146 is a gamma-radiation-emitting radioisotope of the chemical element promethium, which has 85 neutrons in its atomic nucleus in addition to the element-specific 61 protons, resulting in a mass number of 146. This very short-lived, artificially produced, unstable and thus radioactive nuclide has no practical significance; the study of 146Pm is for academic purposes only.
The radioactive isotope, which does not occur in natural decay chains, can be produced in nuclear reactors from enriched neodymium-146: 146Nd(p,n)146Pm [1].
See also: list of Promethium isotopes.
Half-life T½ = 5.53(5) a respectively 1.7439 × 108 seconds s.
Decay mode | Daughter | Probability | Decay energy | γ energy (intensity) |
EC | 146Nd | 65.7(15) % | 1.472(4) MeV | 453.83(15) keV [I = 64.7(15) %] 735.90(19) keV [I = 22.9(15) %] |
β- | 146Sm | 34.3(15) % | 1.542(3) MeV | 747.24(20) keV [I = 34.1(15) %] |
Z | Isotone N = 85 | Isobar A = 146 |
47 | 132Ag | |
48 | 133Cd | |
49 | 134In | |
50 | 135Sn | |
51 | 136Sb | |
52 | 137Te | |
53 | 138I | |
54 | 139Xe | 146Xe |
55 | 140Cs | 146Cs |
56 | 141Ba | 146Ba |
57 | 142La | 146La |
58 | 143Ce | 146Ce |
59 | 144Pr | 146Pr |
60 | 145Nd | 146Nd |
61 | 146Pm | 146Pm |
62 | 147Sm | 146Sm |
63 | 148Eu | 146Eu |
64 | 149Gd | 146Gd |
65 | 150Tb | 146Tb |
66 | 151Dy | 146Dy |
67 | 152Ho | 146Ho |
68 | 153Er | 146Er |
69 | 154Tm | 146Tm |
70 | 155Yb | |
71 | 156Lu | |
72 | 157Hf | |
73 | 158Ta | |
74 | 159W | |
75 | 160Re | |
76 | 161Os |
[1] - L. R. Bunney, E. M. Scadden:
Decay characteristics of 146Pm.
In: Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, (1967), DOI 10.1016/0022-1902(67)80175-1.
Last update: 2024-08-17
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