Rubidium-87 is a very long-lived radioisotope of the chemical element rubidium, which has 50 neutrons in its atomic nucleus in addition to the element-specific 37 protons; the sum of the number of these atomic nucleus building blocks results in a mass number of 87.
The radioactive nuclide 87Rb was first reported in 1921. The discovery was made using a so-called Cavendish mass spectrograph [1].
See also: list of Rubidium isotopes.
Rubidium-87 is a primordial radioisotope with a half-life of 49,700,000,000 years, which means that the terrestrial 87Rb deposits were already present when the earth was formed. The radioactive nuclide decays into the ground state of the stable isotope strontium-87, emitting an electron (β--particle) with an energy of 0.08167(36) MeV and an antineutrino (0.1671(8) MeV).
Half-life T½ = 4.97(3) × 1010 a respectively 1.5673392 × 1018 seconds s.
Decay mode | Daughter | Probability | Decay energy | γ energy (intensity) |
β- | 87Sr | 100 % | 0.282275(6) MeV |
Direct parent isotopes are: 87Kr, 87mSr.
Atomic Mass ma | Quantity | Half-life | Spin | |
Rubidium Isotopic mixture | 85.4678 u | 100 % | ||
Isotope 85Rb | 84.91178974(3) u | 72.17(2) % | stable | 5/2- |
Isotope 87Rb | 86.909180529(6) u | 27.83(2) % | 4.97(3) × 1010 a | 3/2- |
Nuclear magnetic properties of the NMR active Nuclide 87Rb
The two naturally occurring rubidium isotopes are quadrupolar and therefore NMR active. In contrast to rubidium-85, the 87Rb nucleus produces less broad signals in the NMR spectrum and is more sensitive.
Z | Isotone N = 50 | Isobar A = 87 |
28 | 78Ni | |
29 | 79Cu | |
30 | 80Zn | |
31 | 81Ga | 87Ga |
32 | 82Ge | 87Ge |
33 | 83As | 87As |
34 | 84Se | 87Se |
35 | 85Br | 87Br |
36 | 86Kr | 87Kr |
37 | 87Rb | 87Rb |
38 | 88Sr | 87Sr |
39 | 89Y | 87Y |
40 | 90Zr | 87Zr |
41 | 91Nb | 87Nb |
42 | 92Mo | 87Mo |
43 | 93Tc | 87Tc |
44 | 94Ru | 87Ru |
45 | 95Rh | |
46 | 96Pd | |
47 | 97Ag | |
48 | 98Cd | |
49 | 99In | |
50 | 100Sn |
[1] - F. W. ASTON:
The Constitution of the Alkali Metals.
In: Nature, 107, 72, (1921), DOI 10.1038/107072b0.
[2] - Yu. I. Neronov, A. N. Pronin:
Study of NMR Signals of Rubidium in Aqueous Solutions and Determination of the Magnetic Moments of Rb-85 and Rb-87 Nuclei.
In: Technical Physics, 68(3), (2023), DOI 10.1134/S106378422390070X.
Last update: 2024-09-27
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