Sodium-23 is a natural and stable isotope of the chemical element sodium, which, in addition to the element-specific 11 protons, has 12 neutrons in the atomic nucleus, resulting in the mass number 23. 23Na is the only stable nuclide of sodium; It is therefore a monoisotopic element.
23Na was first identified as an independent isotope in 1921 using a so-called Cavendish mass spectrograph [1].
See also: list of Sodium isotopes.
Direct parent isotopes are: 23Mg, 23Ne.
Atomic Mass ma | Quantity | Half-life | Spin | |
Sodium Isotopic mixture | 22.98976928 u | 100 % | ||
Isotope 22Na | 21.99443755(14) u | [trace] | 2.6018(22) a | 3+ |
Isotope 23Na | 22.98976928(2) u | 100 % | stable | 3/2+ |
Isotope 24Na | 23.990963012(18) u | [trace] | 14.956(3) h | 4+ |
There are various applications in technology and medicine that are based on the nuclear or nuclear magnetic properties of the nuclide sodium-23, especially as a nuclear magnetic resonance-active isotope (see below) in NMR Spectroscopy.
Among the various analytical techniques, Na-23 nuclear magnetic resonance (23Na-NMR) is a powerful tool for studying the chemical interactions and dynamic behavior of the omnivalent sodium ions. Relaxation plays a particularly important role here, a process in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which describes the temporal fall back (relaxation time) of the nuclear spin magnetization to the equilibrium state and - depending on the atomic nucleus - is based on different relaxation mechanisms [6].
In practice, the appropriate techniques open up a wide variety of investigation options, such as the solution behavior of sodium ions [2] or solid-state NMR analysis of the NIB electrode materials of Na-ion batteries [4] .
In biochemistry, 23Na NMR spectroscopy is used to research metabolic processes in which Na ions are often involved, as well as to elucidate the structure and function of biomolecules such as for example, proteins and DNA [5].
Medicine finally uses sodium-23 in the form of 23Na magnetic resonance imaging (23Na-MRI ) as a biomarker and for the diagnosis or prognosis of various diseases and energy metabolism as well as for imaging [3].
Nuclear magnetic properties of the NMR active Nuclide 23Na
Z | Isotone N = 12 | Isobar A = 23 |
4 | 16Be | |
5 | 17B | |
6 | 18C | |
7 | 19N | 23N |
8 | 20O | 23O |
9 | 21F | 23F |
10 | 22Ne | 23Ne |
11 | 23Na | 23Na |
12 | 24Mg | 23Mg |
13 | 25Al | 23Al |
14 | 26Si | 23Si |
15 | 27P | |
16 | 28S | |
17 | 29Cl | |
18 | 30Ar |
[1] - F. W. ASTON:
The Constitution of the Alkali Metals.
In: Nature, 107, 72, (1921), DOI 10.1038/107072b0.
[2] - E. G. Bloor, R. G. Kidd:
Solvation of sodium ions studied by 23Na nuclear magnetic resonance.
In: Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 46, 22, (1968), DOI 10.1139/v68-569.
[3] - Linda Osei Poku, M. Phil, Yongna Cheng, Kai Wang, Xilin Sun:
23Na-MRI as a Noninvasive Biomarker for Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis.
In: JMRI, 53, 4, 995-1014, (2020), DOI 10.1002/jmri.27147.
[4] - Dr. Kazuma Gotoh:
23Na Solid-State NMR Analyses for Na-Ion Batteries and Materials.
In: Batteries & Supercaps, 4, 8, 1267-1278, (2021), DOI 10.1002/batt.202000295.
[5] - Binhan Yu, Karina G. Bien, Channing C. Pletka, Junji Iwahara:
Dynamics of Cations around DNA and Protein as Revealed by 23Na Diffusion NMR Spectroscopy.
In: Analytical Chemistry, 94, 4, 2444-2452, (2022), DOI 10.1021/acs.analchem.1c04197.
[6] - Yifan Song, Yu Yin, Qinlong Chen, Alessandro Marchetti, Xueqian Kong:
23Na relaxometry: An overview of theory and applications.
In: Magnetic Resonance Letters, 3, 2, 150-174, (2023), DOI 10.1016/j.mrl.2023.04.001.
Last update: 2024-10-24
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