Strontium-87 is a naturally occurring, stable isotope of the chemical element Strontium, which, in addition to the element-specific 38 protons, has 49 neutrons in the atomic nucleus, resulting in the mass number 87. The share of the nuclide in the earth's strontium deposits is 7%.
See also: list of Strontium isotopes.
Direct parent isotopes are: 87Y, 87Rb.
Atomic Mass ma | Quantity | Half-life | Spin | |
Strontium Isotopic mixture | 87.62 u | 100 % | ||
Isotope 84Sr | 83.913419(8) u | 0.57 % [0.55 - 0.58 %] | stable | 0+ |
Isotope 86Sr | 85.909261(8) u | 9.87 % [9.75 - 9.99 %] | stable | 0+ |
Isotope 88Sr | 87.905613(8) u | 82.52 % [82.29 - 82.75 %] | stable | 0+ |
Isotope 87Sr | 86.908878(8) u | 7.00(20) % [6.94 - 7.14 %] | stable | 9/2+ |
Nuclear magnetic properties of the NMR active Nuclide 87Sr
The strontium-87 nucleus is the only natural Sr isotope suitable for NMR spectroscopy. However, it has a low sensitivity and is only slightly present in natural strontium at around 7%. The corresponding spectra therefore provide broad lines, even with symmetrical structures and over a small chemical shift range. The rare practical application of 87 NMR spectroscopy is therefore more likely to be used for special questions and for the spectroscopic measurement of Sr compounds based on the relaxation properties. The relative sensitivity with respect to the carbon-13 nucleus is about 1.12.
Nuclear isomers or excited states with the activation energy in keV related to the ground state.
Nuclear Isomer | Excitation Energy | Half-life | Spin |
87mSr | 388.5287(23) keV | 2.815(12) h | 1/2- |
Z | Isotone N = 49 | Isobar A = 87 |
27 | 76Co | |
28 | 77Ni | |
29 | 78Cu | |
30 | 79Zn | |
31 | 80Ga | 87Ga |
32 | 81Ge | 87Ge |
33 | 82As | 87As |
34 | 83Se | 87Se |
35 | 84Br | 87Br |
36 | 85Kr | 87Kr |
37 | 86Rb | 87Rb |
38 | 87Sr | 87Sr |
39 | 88Y | 87Y |
40 | 89Zr | 87Zr |
41 | 90Nb | 87Nb |
42 | 91Mo | 87Mo |
43 | 92Tc | 87Tc |
44 | 93Ru | 87Ru |
45 | 94Rh | |
46 | 95Pd | |
47 | 96Ag | |
48 | 97Cd | |
49 | 98In | |
50 | 99Sn |
[1] - Alexandra Faucher, Victor V. Terskikh, Eric Ye, Guy M. Bernard, Roderick E. Wasylishen:
Solid-State 87Sr NMR Spectroscopy at Natural Abundance and High Magnetic Field Strength.
In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119, 49, 11847-11861, (2015), DOI 10.1021/acs.jpca.5b09392.
Last update: 2023-11-18
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