Ytterbium-175 is a radioactive isotope of the chemical element ytterbium, which, in addition to the element-specific 70 protons, has 105 neutrons in the atomic nucleus; this results in the mass number 175. The very short-lived, only artificially producible, unstable and therefore radioactive nuclide 175Yb can be generated by neutron capture from Ytterbium-174.
174Yb(n, γ)175Yb → 175Lu (stable); σ= 69 Barn.
The decay properties of the Radiolanthanide could be of interest for medical applications.
See also: list of Ytterbium isotopes.
The half-life of ytterbium-175 was redetermined in 2021 [1]: It is therefore 4.1615(30) days (= 3.595536 × 10 5 seconds); this corresponds to a relative deviation of 0.56% from the above value (ENSDF 2004).
Half-life T½ = 4.185(1) d respectively 361584 × 105 seconds s.
Decay mode | Daughter | Probability | Decay energy | γ energy (intensity) |
β- | 175Lu | 100 % | 0.4701(12) MeV |
Direct parent isotope is: 175Tm.
Nuclear isomers or excited states with the activation energy in keV related to the ground state.
Nuclear Isomer | Excitation Energy | Half-life | Spin |
175mYb | 514.866(4) keV | 68.2(3) ms | 1/2- |
Z | Isotone N = 105 | Isobar A = 175 |
63 | 168Eu | |
64 | 169Gd | |
65 | 170Tb | |
66 | 171Dy | |
67 | 172Ho | 175Ho |
68 | 173Er | 175Er |
69 | 174Tm | 175Tm |
70 | 175Yb | 175Yb |
71 | 176Lu | 175Lu |
72 | 177Hf | 175Hf |
73 | 178Ta | 175Ta |
74 | 179W | 175W |
75 | 180Re | 175Re |
76 | 181Os | 175Os |
77 | 182Ir | 175Ir |
78 | 183Pt | 175Pt |
79 | 184Au | 175Au |
80 | 185Hg | 175Hg |
81 | 186Tl | |
82 | 187Pb | |
83 | 188Bi | |
84 | 189Po | |
85 | 190At |
[1] - M. Teresa Durán, Frédéric Juget, Youcef Nedjadi et al.:
Ytterbium-175 half-life determination.
In: Applied Radiation and Isotopes, (2021), DOI 10.1016/j.apradiso.2021.109893.
Last update: 2023-05-05
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