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Properties and data of the isotope 8B.



Boron-8 isotope

Boron-8 is a radioisotope of the chemical element boron, which, in addition to the element-specific 5 protons, has 3 neutrons in the atomic nucleus, resulting in the mass number 8. The very short-lived, unstable and therefore radioactive nuclide, which can only be produced artificially, has no practical significance; The study of 8B serves exclusively academic purposes.

The 8B nucleus is of great interest for astrophysics, for example, as it is the main source of solar neutrinos with energies above 2 MeV; The β+/EE decay α spectrum occurring for this nuclide has been studied in detail on numerous occasions [2].

See also: list of Boron isotopes.


General data

Name of the isotope:Boron-8; B-8Symbol:8B or 85BMass number A:8 (= number of nucleons)Atomic number Z:5 (= number of protons)Neutrons N:3Isotopic mass:8.0246073(11) u (atomic weight of Boron-8)Nuclide mass:8.0218644 u (calculated nuclear mass without electrons)Mass excess:22.92155 MeVMass defect:0.040512608 u (per nucleus)Nuclear binding energy:37.73725128 MeV (per nucleus)
4.71715641 MeV (average binding energy per nucleon)
Separation energy:SN = 12.826(25) MeV (first neutron)
SP = 0.1364(10) MeV (first proton)
Half-life:771.17(94) msDecay constant λ:0.89882539590485 s-1Specific activity α:6.766066428284 × 10+22 Bq g-1
1828666602239 Ci g-1
Spin and parity:
(nuclear angular momentum)
2+Isobaric spin: 1Magnetic dipole moment:μ(μN) = 1.0355(3)Quadrupole moment Q:+0.0643(14) barn (100 fm2)Nuclear g-factor:gl = 0.51775Mirror nucleus:Lithium-8Year of discovery:1950


Radioactive Decay

A newer and more precise value for the half-life was published in 2020 and adopted here [3]. The older value of T1/2 = 0.770(3) s can be found in the relevant literature.

Half-life T½ = 771.17(94) ms respectively 7.7117 × 10-1 seconds s.

Decay modeDaughterProbabilityDecay energyγ energy
EE β+8Be100 %17.9798(10) MeV
β+, α4He


Isotones and Isobars

The following table shows the atomic nuclei that are isotonic (same neutron number N = 3) and isobaric (same nucleon number A = 8) with Boron-8. Naturally occurring isotopes are marked in green; light green = naturally occurring radionuclides.


OZIsotone N = 3Isobar A = 8


External data and identifiers

Adopted Levels, Gammas:NuDat 8B


Literature and References

[1] - G. A. Korolev, A. V. Dobrovolsky, A. G. Inglessi et al.:
Halo structure of 8B determined from intermediate energy proton elastic scattering in inverse kinematics.
In: Physics Letters B, 780, 200-204, (2018), DOI 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.03.013.

[2] - S. Viñals et al.:
The experiments to determine the electron capture and β-decay of 8B into the highly excited states of 8Be.
In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1643, 012130, (2020), DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/1643/1/012130.

[3] - S. Viñals et al.:
The Most Accurate Determination of the 8B Half-life.
In: Acta Physica Polonica B, 51, 3, (2020), DOI 10.5506/APhysPolB.51.717.


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Last update: 2023-12-07

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